Sunday, October 10, 2010

Recovery Part 2

Wednesday, 9/29/10: The tubes are out!
Wednesday was a very exciting day… I went outside!  Had an appointment at my Doctor’s office to have my drainage tubes pulled out and all the tape pulled off.  The tape portion wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, the tubes on the other hand was a totally different sensation that I’ve never felt before.  It wasn’t painful per se but it sure wasn’t pleasant, it was just weird.  I could feel the tubes coming out & it felt like he was pulling for days, those suckers were in there far.  The whole thing only took 15 minutes; those Doctor’s are quick.  Now I’m wearing almost the same training bra I wore in elementary school to make sure the ladies are protected.
Then we packed up for the big excursion to New Jersey for the rest of my recovery week.  A trip to NJ was definitely needed, my apartment was getting just a little too small and a bigger space was necessary.

Thursday – Saturday, 9/30-10/2/10: Recovering in Jersey
I had my first shower in a week!  Don't worry I was clean the whole week thanks to sponge baths, but this was the first time I got to wash my hair.  When I started with the shampoo I pulled out so much hair I could have made a toupee for a bald man.  Had daily adventures with my Mom running errands, going to dinner with my family and finally got a much needed manicure and pedicure.

Sunday, 10/3/10: Ut Oh
We had a minor set back.  Woke up Sunday morning with a rash developing on my right boob, not OK.  So while I hung on the couch my Mom and my cousin Jonathan packed the car for the drive back into the city.  It looked like I was going to college, the trunk was packed with crap—trips to Costco, Acme, Target and BBB really add up in the merchandise department along with all my laundry in the back.  Drive back to the city was a breeze and I even got the expect opinion of Dr. House (aka Dr. Looze) diagnosing my red boob as an irritation/rash over bbm.  The ride to the city only took an hour but once we go through the Lincoln Tunnel it was 45 minutes to my apartment thanks to those friendly Polish walking down 5th Ave.
Not feeling 100% Sunday evening my sister-in-law demands I call my Doctor’s office since my rash could actually be an infection and there is a possibility I could become septic (I don’t know what that is, but it sure sounds serious—it happened a lot on Grey’s Anatomy).  Call the doctor’s office and I had to text pictures of my boobs to my Doctor (the only time sexting is allowed) to find out that I have an allergic reaction to adhesive.  Had a prescription called into the 24 hour Duane Reade for some super antibiotics and I stocked up on some Tylenol & Benadryl to help with some of the pain and the massive itchiness.

Monday-Friday, 10/4-8/10: Back to work
Monday was my first day back and I was excited to get back into the groove.  Being at home for a week was not a vacation or even a stay-cation it was Closter phobic.  I needed to get my routine back, damn it.  I got a little too ambitious on Monday getting in at 8:30 and leaving at 5, with only a minor interruption of a quick appointment at my Doctor’s office to have the serti-strips removed (goodbye adhesive, hello stitches).  I was scolded on Monday when I got home for over doing myself, so I promised to leave earlier on Tuesday.  Wednesday wasn’t my best day, my ambitiousness got the better of me and I ended up on my couch by 3pm and in bed by 8pm.  Apparently I really wasn’t listening to my body because I slept in till 7am on Thursday morning.  Everyday I came home from work, changed into pjs, plopped on the couch and vegged while Mom made something yummy for dinner, watched a show and went to bed.  If I ignored anyone it wasn’t on purposes, I was so exhausted from the day.  But I’m finally learning to listen to my body and know that you don’t recover in a day and it takes time.

Weekend, 10/8-10/10: Jersey again for some “relaxation”
Spent the weekend in Jersey with my Mom and we did my favorite bonding activity Saturday, shopping at Nordies!  After having a rough to weeks nothing makes me feel better than some retail therapy at my favorite store.  Even better, I was trying on clothes in smaller sizes and even bought a button up shirt!
Recovery wise, this weekend has been crazy!  My swelling has gone down significantly, my rash looks more like sunburn, and blisters are starting to heal.  Things are looking up!

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