Today I took off a half day at work for something very important to me, organization.
After two visits to
The Container Store to design my coat/entry and linen closets, today the elfa closets were installed this afternoon and totally worth half the vacation day. I need/crave order and organization in my life and my closets were not working for me, so I took advantage of the Container Store's elfa sale.
Here is before (its a bit scary, even for me)
On Thursday, all the elfa components were delivered. It was a very interesting elevator ride up with everything on a cart. I spent the evening taking everything out of the closets, well everything out of the 'linen' closet just fell out when I opened the door. My living room looked like a bomb exploded and I just moved in, again.
Who knew I had so much stuff packed away in closets |
The install was actually pretty quick, but noisy. The installers had to cut the wires which is like nails on a chalk board. But they moved pretty quick and you'd be amazed how much space you really have when you utilize it.
Coat/Entry Way |
Linen |
Then it was time for my favorite part, getting organized. Its like putting together a puzzle, figuring out where everything should go. It only really took about an hour after the installers left for everything to find a new home.
And my finished OCD product.
The new & improved coat/entry closet |
the now functional linen closet |
*Please note, items may move upon further reflection of best location
From one OCD human being to another...BRAVO! That's such a good feeling! I saw that you nominated me for the liebster award and I feel honored but unqualified as I have no other blogger friends to nominate in return. I hope my lack of social life doesn't influence your chances of winning!